Wild Herbert 2.0 – Herbert’s got a brand new bag


Table of Contents

Here at Wild Herbert we’ve been on a voyage of discovery and taken a look at the work we do and what we do best for our clients. It’s been a long, hard road to get us here but finally after a lot of soul searching we’re excited to share our renewed focus from traditional digital agency work to full time lead generation.

Why are we doing this?

It all comes down to why we do what we do. This isn’t to turn our noses up at other digital agencies who provide a great service to their clients but for us the big juicy leads have always come first. In the early days of Wild Herbert we would give a shopping list of our services and leave this in the hands of our clients to cherrypick what they think would work best for them.

Want social media? A shiny new website? Be on the top of Google results? We can do this for you, and will continue to offer these services as part of our greater offering.

For us it’s always been about the bigger questions. What business will your social media bring in? How will your website generate new customers? Who’s searching for you on Google and are these the right customers for your business? What more could you be doing to stand out from the crowd?

Occasionally we’ve offered out our services with no end goal in mind (which frankly breaks our hearts). When we meet with a customer we want to get our heads around what makes them special, how we can create a wider strategy to let more people know their business and how can we help them to get to where they want to be. That’s just how we roll.

We’ve had clients come to us in the past because they’ve treated digital marketing as a box-ticking exercise to meet expectations of what they think a business needs. After decades of experience helping businesses to get to where they want to be, serving these businesses with quality leads with a genuinely worthwhile lifetime value has got to be our full focus from now.

So what’s changing?

In essence, our proposition is changing from asking “what can we provide you with?” to “how can we get your business where you want it to be?”. This has always been at the heart of good marketing practice and we feel like it would be an injustice to our profession if this wasn’t our main objective as a business.

So we’ll still make you a shiny website if you need it, but with a purpose to understand your customer’s behaviour better from it so you can better serve them. Want social media? No problem, let’s use it properly to help you build momentum. Want to be found by new customers? Let’s look at the people you want to attract and use our collective knowledge to put you in front of the right people.

No-one’s ever accused us of being normal. But we’re proud of what we do and how we serve our clients. If you feel like your marketing agency or in-house department is just paying you lip service let’s have a chat and make it work for you.